philosophy > Journal > 雑誌[Cell] テーマ[] 著者[] < 戻る

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1993 : Synaptic transmission: a bidirectional and self-modifiable form of cell-cell communication
1996 : Exon 1 of the HD Gene with an Expanded CAG Repeat Is Sufficient to Cause a Progressive Neurological Phenotype in Transgenic Mice
1998 : Usefulness and limitations of linear approximations to the understanding of Ca++ signals
1998 : Huntingtin Acts in the Nucleus to Induce Apoptosis but Death Does Not Correlate with the Formation of Intranuclear Inclusions
2002 : Functional studies of the kidney of living animals using multicolor two-photon microscopy
2004 : Neuroanatomical evidence for indirect connections between the medial preoptic nucleus and the song control system: possible neural substrates for sexually motivated song
2007 : Enhancement of Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release by cyclic ADP-ribose in frog motor nerve terminals
2008 : Sex-Specific Control and Tuning of the Pattern Generator for Courtship Song in Drosophila
2008 : eNpHR: a Natronomonas halorhodopsin enhanced for optogenetic applications.
2010 : Molecular and cellular approaches for diversifying and extending optogenetics.
2014 : Oxytocin Modulates Female Sociosexual Behavior through a Specific Class of Prefrontal Cortical Interneurons
2014 : Serotonergic versus Nonserotonergic Dorsal Raphe Projection Neurons: Differential Participation in Reward Circuitry
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□ 雑誌別
Brain Cell Biol [1] American journal of physiology. Cell physiology [1] Cellular neuroscience [1] Cell Calcium [1] Cell Tissue Res [1] Cell Reports [1]
□ 概念・テーマ別
技術 [2] 光遺伝学 [2] CICR [1] review [1] 性差 [1] 実験法 [1] 行動 [1] 歌鳥 [1] 生殖 [1]