philosophy > Journal > 雑誌[] テーマ[RGC] 著者[] < 戻る

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2005 : Functional Organization of Ganglion Cells in the Salamander Retina
2007 : Different Mechanisms Generate Maintained Activity in ON and OFF Retinal Ganglion Cells
2008 : Intraretinal signaling by ganglion cell photoreceptors to dopaminergic amacrine neurons
2009 : Morphological properties of chick retinal ganglion cells in relation to their central projections
2009 : Effects of Remote Stimulation on the Modulated Activity of Cat Retinal Ganglion Cells
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□ 雑誌別
JNS [2] The Journal of comparative neurology [1] PNAS [1] JNP [1]
□ 概念・テーマ別
形態学 [1] サーカディアン・リズム [1] 分類 [1] 受容野 [1]